When you think of martial arts, one of the first things that comes to mind is self-defense. Yes, martial arts is great for the body but it is also great for the mind. There are undeniable benefits from hitting the gym everyday but the monotony of the treadmill or elliptical can lead you to stop showing up […]
Well, spring is already here (although the weather might not feel like it) And, summer will be here again before we know it. Let’s get back on track with a little bit of dedication and healthy habits now, and then maintain them through next winter. Daily life gets busy: work, homework, kids and family activities. […]
I just read a quote from author Nassim Taleb on Facebook. Here it is: “Friends, I made a mistake in the designation “skin in the game”; it is ambiguous and is often mistaken for incentives. “Neck on the line” is more adequate, though ominous.” We’ve dedicated our lives and careers to martial arts as […]
“When you have the drive to keep going despite the challenges of disappointment and adversity, you have the ability to accomplish great things.” – Max Weiman As it goes with the Martial Arts, or physical training in general, you have to stick with the plan and trust the process through the plateaus. Martial Arts training […]
At a recent Black Belt test, I mentioned in passing the story of “5 Blind Men and the Elephant” and how it relates to martial arts training as well as our martial arts instructors. It’s an allegory that comes from South Asian culture (hence the elephant), but I’m sure many cultures and traditions have similar […]
What exactly does that mean,to conquer your fears? Well, in practical terms, all martial arts are rooted in fighting or some sort of combat. In training and implementation, there is a fear of getting hit, fear of hitting the ground, fear of defeat and fear of consequences. The goal of training is […]
Guest Post By Master Melody Shuman When I started martial arts in 1987 as an 11-year old, things were very different. Kids and adults trained side-by-side, and everyone tested on the same material for their belt regardless of age. Needless to say, kids usually didn’t make it very far before dropping out because the training […]
Last night we were working on a takedown series as well as a punch-defense series that we routinely practice in our traditional martial arts program. The purpose of practicing these series is multifaceted: developing reliable skill, preparing for contingencies, playing your strengths and addressing your weaknesses. During the session, I showed the students how they […]
I typically break my goals into three categories: 1. Things that I want to accomplish with my health and fitness (remember they are not the same thing) 2. Things that I want to do with / for my family 3. Goals for my business / professional life Of course, there maybe some overlap between the […]
Inspiration is an interesting thing. I think most of us consider it as something that happens to us, rather than something that we seek, or even create. We’ve all had those sort of aha moments where we saw something, read something, heard something or were told something that really inspired us. Those external stimuli […]
There are a lot of keys to progress, to success. It’s not easy. For me to say “do these three things” and then you’ll be successful is not really going to help you. While those three simple things may be quite motivating today, only you can put in the hard work. And, what’s the […]
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