Children between the ages of five and six years old are no longer “little kids.” They are in a very important time of transition in their lives. They have developed skills that make them appear to have things more together, so they are often approached by adults as an “older kid.” However, they still do […]
Children between the ages of 3 and 4 are at a very unique growth period in their lives. They are growing at a rapid rate in all areas of development and are discovering new things daily, while also learning how to cope with new challenges. Additionally, they are in pursuit of autonomy, which can lead […]
Over the years, healthy connection levels between parents and children have decreased, leading to more challenging behaviors from children. Today’s modern lifestyle has interfered with the opportunity for the parent-child bond to grow. This vital aspect of a child’s life is essential for their emotional cup to be full, giving them healthy self-worth and self-esteem. […]
Have you ever wondered why children and teens seem to be so addicted to their smart phones and other devices? Parents are frustrated with their children’s lack of attention and motivation but what do their devices have to do with this? The answer is found in science! Often referred to as the “motivator molecule,” dopamine […]
There’s no denying that advancements in technology have made our lives easier. We can work from home, shop online, and watch newly released movies, among many other things, all without leaving the couch. And while this saves us travel time and hassle, it can lead to unexpected health consequences. The reason is that we are […]
Parents are an essential element to their child’s success in anything. The enthusiasm and support, or lack thereof, of a parent can make or break a child’s accomplishments. In SKILLZ martial arts, it is even more essential that parents be involved as part of the teaching team since the SKILLZ system applies child development and […]
Every child is born with their own unique way of interacting with the world. Some are flexible in the middle of change while others may experience stress when presented with new situations or a change in schedule. This is what is referred to as temperament. And while some temperaments are easier to handle then others, […]
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss “You just don’t understand!” Oh, but we do dear teen! The emotional and social roller coaster ride this stage of development brings about is not easily forgotten by any adult who remembers their journey […]
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss “It’s happening!” Once upon a time, we parents all found ourselves smack dab in the middle of one of the hardest seasons of our young lives… The Teenage Years. From physical changes to mental […]
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss “I am strong. I am brave. I can do this!” The Golden Years, as we discussed last week, is a season within adolescence where slow and steady growth of the body and mind are […]
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss “Slow and steady wins the race!” Oh the years of 7-9 years old! You have made it through the infant, toddler, preschool and young adolescent phase. Time for what are often referred to as […]
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss “Check this out!” Stepping onto the mats at the start of Basic SKILLZ class one recent evening, I was met with an excited group of 5-6 year olds, ready to demonstrate their latest and […]
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss “Going, going, going… ALL. DAY. LONG!” Oh the years of 5-6! Abounding energy at a level that could power New York City, as my husband and I often joke about our youngest, is flowing […]
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss “Wait! I have to tell my mommy something!” If you enjoy watching our youngest Ninjas in action during Early SKILLZ class, then you know all too well how much these littles absolutely love to […]
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss “Mommy, look my muscles?!” I remember it like it was yesterday when my youngest son who was three years old at the time came running into the kitchen to show me his BIG arm […]
“We are always in a perpetual state of being created and creating ourselves.” Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, The Developing Mind “What did you say? What am I supposed to do first again?!” Our recent family vacation had come to a bittersweet end and the piles of folded, clean clothes on the dining room table were […]
“We are always in a perpetual state of being created and creating ourselves.” Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, The Developing Mind “Think, think, think!” Do you remember the classic Winnie the Pooh cartoon? Do you remember watching Pooh Bear wander to his thinking spot to try and recall his most important thoughts? He would sit and […]
“We are always in a perpetual state of being created and creating ourselves.” Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, The Developing Mind “Honey… SHOES!!” Monday morning. The clock is ticking down to the start of summer camp and the excitement throughout the house is real! Two eager young boys have been waiting all winter for fun in […]
“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” ~Ignacio Estrada Has your child ever struggled with seeing something through? Perhaps going to school or an extracurricular activity at times proves to be a challenge. Or they struggle to finish a project in the classroom or at […]
“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” ~Ignacio Estrada Coming into the home stretch of this academic year for so many kiddos, it is no secret that keeping eyes on, ears on and bodies steady is a challenge for many! As children look forward to […]
“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” ~Ignacio Estrada It goes without saying that each and every one of us have our good days and our tough days. Especially as we approach the end of the school year, for so many of our kiddos, making […]
“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” ~Ignacio Estrada First day of SKILLZ Ninja School… The day is finally here! Stepping through the front door, I’m greeted with the sound of laughter, smiling faces and abundant happy cheers. All around me is joy, of this there […]
We live in a very competitive world and most parents would jump at the chance to give their child every advantage imaginable. The world can also be unkind and, as parents, we feel a need to protect our children from everything possible. Yes, parents are supposed to help and protect their children, but when does […]
Choosing a martial arts school has always been a guessing game for most parents. Unless they have previous experience, to them, any style is coined “karate” so deciding on the best place is purely a guess. Parents generally look for a school that teaches punching and kicking, emphasizes discipline, and builds confidence. And while many […]
Parents are an essential element to their child’s success in anything. The enthusiasm and support, or lack thereof, of a parent can make or break a child’s accomplishments. In SKILLZ martial arts, it is even more essential that parents be involved as part of the teaching team since the SKILLZ system applies child development […]
“Give me the book!” The demand for one of his brother’s books rang through the house as my youngest child hit his breaking point. It had been a very big first day back into our usual routine following a weeks long vacation. To say that we were all ready for a good nights rest to […]
Welcome Spring! The joyful promise of new beginnings is once again upon us! Outside our front doors the clear blue skies with warm, golden sunshine, emerging green grass, budding trees and blossoms all welcome us to a new season of play, joy, fun, laughter and precious memories just waiting to be made. Spring is such […]
“It’s here, it’s here! The day is FINALLY HERE!!!” Stumbling out of his bedroom at full speed ahead, my youngest son burst into my bedroom to announce that packing day for our big road trip adventure had finally arrived! The patience of my spirited six-year-old had been wearing thin for days as the anticipation of […]
Crash! Boom! Snap! Speed walking through the last grocery aisle for pantry necessities, a sudden, unexpected crash from the nearby bakery department sent a shot of adrenaline through my fatigued mom brain, body and spirit. After another sleepless night trying to comfort my son and an exhaustive day of putting out one emotional fire after […]
In the words of Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D., “The way we learn how to be resilient and how to handle difficult things is by practicing sitting in, dealing with and walking through difficult stuff.” Dr. Bryson shared this message of truth in a book she co-authored called, The Power of Showing Up. Showing up… What […]
“Beep, beep, beep,” the alarm clock rings, summoning the whole family to rise from their night of deep slumber. Time to greet the new day! Winters chill still in the air, I look out from my frosty window to see the birds dancing from treetop to ground to sky. Behind me, the sudden, rapid pitter […]
Monday morning… These two words which often fills me with a boost of excitement for the adventures of the week ahead were not striking me in such a way on this day. Our family was in a fog… I was in a fog. The year to date had been a relentless hit of one big […]
“Mom, this doesn’t make any sense!” Frustrated with his dividing fractions math assignment, my son dramatically dropped his head into his hands. Mulling over the best way to show the work that was in his beautiful mind on paper, I slowly moved into his space. Taking his right hand, I began to massage his palm […]
The Hustle. The Grind. The Daily Marathon. This was the topic of a recent discussion I had with a fellow warrior mama as we took a much needed “Mommy Time Out” on a chilly, February afternoon. It had been a while since we were last able to catch up and reconnect with each other. So […]
“I am strong. I am brave. I can do great things!” Working with children as they explore the world around them, standing by to help support, nurture and guide them in their journey as they face new challenges is truly a gift that I personally cherish. To witness a child finding their strength, their courage, […]
“I see you, I hear you, I feel you!” Two weeks ago, my oldest son was preparing for a new session of hip hop classes to officially begin! He was just about bursting at the seams with joy and excitement as he could not wait to get back to the hard beats and sweet jams […]
Pablo Picasso once said, “I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.” What an incredible way of looking at that which is not yet known or second nature to us! Learning is something we never outgrow and for that I am so thankful! Painting […]
Have you ever had a teacher, coach or mentor that inspired you to your very core? One that cheered you on to achieving your big dreams and goals with the biggest heart, joy and fire? Each and every day, our team of Pediatric Ninja Specialists, Instructors and Coaches serve our community knowing full well that […]
Do you remember the carefree days of your youth? Running outside to meet up with your friends at the park and keeping an eye on the sun and street lights to know when it was time to head home for dinner and family time. Those were the days! Present day socialization practices for our children […]
“Mommy, it’s okay to have big feelings.” These were the words my six-year-old ever so calmly and wisely whispered to me as he gently climbed up upon his stool to wipe away the tears from my cheeks. You see, just the previous day, our family lost a dear loved one. The pain being so fresh, […]
I was dashing through the first big snowfall of the season with my oldest son on holiday and a great story came across the radio waves. The radio host, a mom herself, began to tell the story of the orange tree. Unlike some other fruit bearing plants, the orange tree sees the greatest success when it […]
“Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock! Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring! Snowin’ and blowin’ up bushels of fun, now the jingle hop has begun!” ~ Jingle Bell Rock, by Bobby Helms. Many of our SKILLZ Ninjas and Proud Ninja Parents are breaking out into their best “Jingle Bell Rock” as the promise […]
Have you ever heard of “The Invisible String?” Beautifully written by Patrice Karst and illustrated by Joanne Lew-Vriethoff, “The Invisible String” is a phenomenal children’s book! Interwoven within each page is the theme of the unbreakable bonds we share with our children, whether near or far away. While Patrice and Joanne crafted a story that […]
“Dear Proud Ninja Parent, On my hard days, remember I am small. When tears run down my cheeks and I don’t even know why, remember I need you to grab a tissue and dry my teary eyes. When something happens that I didn’t expect and I yell, scream and fuss, remember even in my anger, […]
Take a break for just a moment and pause for reflection. Let your mind float back to the carefree days of your youth. Let the rustling of autumn leaves crunch beneath your feet as you smell the crisp, cool air. Let the glow of the lights of the holiday season dance in your mind as […]
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Shopping for gifts, decorating the house, baking goodies, attending parties, visiting family…there are so many fun and exciting things to do! With all these wonderful events, who wouldn’t be happy all the time? Unfortunately, often the answer is children, and especially children with any type of sensory […]
Have you ever taken a moment to truly admire the art and incredible beauty of watching a child at play? Their fully engaged spirit, drive, imagination and passion are all completely focused on the mission of the moment. Whether tinkering with their next greatest creations or saving the day as their favorite superhero, children demonstrate […]
On any given day, we may experience moments of high emotion in reaction to an event, or we find ourselves trying to control everyone and everything around us. Either way, our mental well-being is in danger, especially if we find ourselves stuck in these types of scenarios for long. And it can be difficult for […]
The growth and development of a child can be one of the most fascinating things to watch unfold. From infants mirroring movements to toddlers and children mastering high level developmental skills, the growth they experience in a short time is astounding. And while all skills are important for children to master, bilateral coordination is an […]
Most people are aware of the benefits of physical activity… a stronger cardiovascular system, improved muscle tone, weight management, motor coordination, etc. Additionally, there are brain-boosting benefits of exercise that help children with brain function and learning, which lead to better school performance. Unfortunately, however, many adults aren’t knowledgeable about the significance of underdeveloped motor […]
Parents have always served as the primary, and usually, the most important role model for their children, even though family members, teachers, and coaches have a significant impact on a child’s development as well. However, in the wake of the pandemic, these people have had less of a presence in children’s lives which ultimately left […]
The “Quarantine 15” has been yet another horrible reality of the pandemic. Not only were we separated from our family and friends, but unstructured days, decreased motivation, and increased boredom led to unhealthy habits for families. The result, for many, has been weight gain and reduced fitness levels, which has set the stage for disease […]
It is becoming increasingly apparent that no one is to blame for anything that happens. So, if this is the case, how do we get ourselves in such turmoil if no one is responsible? Although this seems ridiculous, the use of “blame-shifting” has become the go-to way of justifying mistakes. When we have arguments or […]
Parents everywhere want their children to be successful. Achieving success is usually defined by fulfilling societal norms, whether in terms of grades, athletic abilities, or something else. And the push to accomplish these things is putting pressure on children and on parents as well. Comparisons are fueling the expectation for children to develop at a […]
Adolescence has always been a challenging time for parents and teens. This is typically because adults feel teens are lazy and/or out of control. However, these behaviors are usually present because teens feel uninspired and lack the right motivation in their lives. And while the development of the brain hasn’t changed, the environment around teens […]
Although Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is such a common diagnosis, there are still many misconceptions surrounding it. People often assume that ADHD results from poor parenting, laziness, or some learning disorder. And with these assumptions come a wide range of ways to “fix” the problem. However, with the lack of proper understanding of this disorder, […]
Healthy connection levels between parents and children have decreased over the years, leading to more challenging behaviors from children. Today’s busy lifestyle has interfered with the opportunities for the parent-child bond to grow. This vital aspect of a child’s life is essential for their emotional cup to be full, which gives them healthy self-worth and […]
As we navigate the world, we all use our senses to receive information from our surroundings, let our brains process it, and then tell us how to react. Generally, we respond with minimal disruption to our routine. However, processing sensory stimuli can be a challenge for some people, either because there is too much or […]
The past year and a half of school has been such a roller coaster ride. From school closures to virtual classes to reopening, it seems as if our children have experienced every out-of-the-norm scenario we could imagine. And although the goal was to keep them healthy and safe, children’s development took a significant hit. We’ve […]
Children’s challenging behaviors have long been the focus of adults’ negative view of characteristics that don’t fit the mold of societal expectations. This rigid “deficit thinking” causes parents to worry and complain about their child’s qualities and make them try to “fix” what is wrong or make excuses as to why they can’t do certain […]
Today’s world is busy; people are rushing here and there to get to work, school, or the next extracurricular activity. Even our leisure time is filled with things to do. And during all of it, we are distracted by our electronic devices. This not only leads to us missing important moments in our lives, but […]
Advancements in technology have definitely made our lives easier. We can work from home, go to school, shop online, and watch newly released movies, among many other things, all without leaving the couch. And while this is convenient and time saving, it can lead to unexpected health consequences. The reason is that we are sitting for […]
In a world that highly values the traits of extroverted individuals, quiet and shy children are often assumed to have something wrong with them. However, shyness is simply a personality trait that is part of their temperament. Children are born with unique personalities, with varying degrees of introversion and extroversion. And it is apparent that […]
Parenting can be tricky. We want our children to be resilient, empathetic, and able to self-regulate. However, with the busyness of life, the experiences that build these characteristics fall by the wayside, and “no” becomes an automatic response. Children are continually being told what to do and what not to do. As a result, the […]
Over the past year, children have faced many disturbances in their daily lives and interactions. These things have contributed to a lot of emotional imbalances and brought on or exacerbated feelings of sadness, fear, and anxiety. Since children are still developing abilities to regulate their strong and ever-changing emotions, they need assistance in strengthening these skills. Providing […]
As the pandemic carries on, our coping skills are starting to unravel. For many people, this has become the ultimate emotional test. As we continue to maintain our distance from each other, not only have our social lives been halted, but our emotional support is wavering as well. And while we have been living this […]
The recent closures of schools and businesses are widespread and have led to major disruptions in the daily routines of families. Children are trying to adjust to doing school at home and parents are now trying to balance their new work from home life with their role as teacher to their children. To cope, it’s […]
Stress is a significant part of our lives today. And while we all experience it, children and teens have a more difficult time managing it. Academic pressure, social tensions, family stressors, etc all impact a young person’s mental well-being. For this reason, it’s important for parents to help their children develop coping skills by guiding […]
We live in a competitive world and most parents would jump at the chance to give their child every advantage imaginable. The world can also be unkind and, as parents, we feel a need to protect our children from everything possible. And yes, parents are supposed to help and protect their children but when does […]
The development of a child can be one of the most fascinating things to watch unfold. From infants mirroring movements to toddlers and children mastering high level developmental skills, the growth they experience in a short time is astounding. And while all skills are important for children to master, bilateral coordination is an important prerequisite […]
The New Year has arrived and lofty resolutions have been set. Anything from working out daily to saving money to losing weight, our society knows how to dream big! However, when big dreams aren’t broken down into smaller, achievable goals, failure often ensues. And to make matters worse, our children watch us throughout this short-lived […]
School safety should be a right for all students alike. It’s up to you as a parent to teach your child about bullying. Empower your children with the facts and ways to stop bullies in their tracks. Bullying is a serious problem that can a have long-term negative impact on the victim, the bully, and […]
Physical activity is not only essential for healthy growth and development, it is also important to learning and getting good grades in school. Active kids are proven to get better grades, better sleep, and have better attendance in school. In the age of apps, tablets, and streaming it can be difficult to keep these items […]
“Don’t talk to strangers” used to be the cure all to protect your child, but there are two sides to this statement. If your child wants to make friends or is lost…they need to talk to a stranger. Instead of creating an encompassing rule of “Don’t talk to strangers”. Teach your children to learn who is […]
Have you ever wondered why children and teens seem to be so addicted to their smartphones and other devices? Parents are frustrated with their children’s lack of attention and motivation but what do their devices have to do with this? The answer is found in science! Often referred to as the “motivator molecule,” dopamine is […]
When it comes to parenting, emotions can run high. When children act out negatively, parents often become frustrated quickly and react by trying to fix the behavior immediately by yelling, punishing, etc. However, this approach is never a win for the child or the parent. As a Pediatric Ninja Specialist, Melody Shuman, the founder of […]
Does your child have a hard time making good decisions or trouble following the rules? The good news is that they are not doing this on purpose. After years of working with students and observing the emotional and social stages of development we recognize that every decision they make (Good or Bad) ultimately has a […]
Hey SKILLZ Parents! Our staff at Murrayhill Martial Arts hopes your ninja will love every second of their new school year! We wanted to share one of the many ways our Basic SKILLZ program help prepare kids for the new school year… By reinforcing their ability to show good TEAMWORK! In class we work of different types of TEAMWORK including: […]
It is Back to School Season! Our staff here at Murrayhill Martial Arts knows that Back to School season is an exciting time for children. We also understand that it can be a little intimidating as well. One of our goals here is to help prepare our ninjas be rockstars everywhere they go and prepare them for […]
Summer break is a fun and essential time for children to take a break from school, create life long friendships and develop their creative spirit. I’d argue that perhaps summer breaks should be even longer, or that the kids should have longer breaks through the school year. But, that’s another topic. However, there may be […]
The Best Summer Camps Teach Martial Arts It might not seem possible, but summer is almost here. The kids will be out of school – and you’ll be wondering what you can do to help them fill their days with something other than endless rounds of video games. We have the ideal solution in our […]
We have developed an excellent, proven program to help give parents and toddlers a great way to interact while working on developmental skills at the same time. The reasons for starting a program such as ours are vast and include the following: Intellectually Their thinking skills are across the board,which makes it hard […]
We are happy to announce our newest class for an extremely fun group of kids… Toddlers! Toddlers 18 to 36 months will be joined by their Mom, Dad, Grandparent or Nanny in this fun class, led by our highly trained instructors. As with our other classes we engage in fun,educational class activities designed […]
Parenting is hard, it’s likely the highest pressure thing we do, with the most at stake. Sometimes, we all wish that someone would just tell us what to do. Perhaps it’s easier to identify the “to-don’ts” instead of the “to-dos” Here are some things that we do with the best of intentions. And, some possible […]
Today I want to share with you the Extreme SKILLZ (10 to 14-year olds) martial arts curriculum breakdown. Ten to fourteen-year-olds are the smartest students in the school. Yes, they are smarter than most adults! They are also physically competent and can excel in most physical challenges that are presented to them. The problem we […]
Today I want to share with you the Core SKILLZ (7 9-year olds) curriculum breakdown. Seven to nine-year-olds are what most people consider “the golden age.” They are proficient in their vocabulary and problem-solving skills, yet they are not at the age where they want complete independence from adults. This makes the teacher-student relationship stronger […]
Here’s an overview for the stages of development of children ages 5 and 6: • Physically- they typically do not know how to apply their muscles so they fall often when their body is in constant motion. Also, they have a foundation for leg, arm, core, and abdominal development, but they still lack a lot […]
Here’s an overview for the stages of development of children ages 3 and 4: • Physically- they typically have low tone and poor hand-eye-coordination. We expect them initially to drop their arms when punching and fall when kicking or jumping. We also expect them to have no concept of spatial awareness, therefore they will drop […]
Dear Parent, Today I’d like to talk about tough situations, struggles, failures, and the importance of following through in a manner that promotes growth in children. When things get tough for our kids the two most common ways parents handle these situations is to either swoop in and be the hero or to leave them […]
Here are 12 great points as discussed in Professor Ricardo Almeida one of the top Brazilian Jiujitsu professors in the country.His article is linked for you below. I strongly recommend reading the entire article if time permits. 1. Self-Defense Martial arts teach you the techniques to defend yourself, but also the way to […]
When it comes to educating kids to be well-rounded martial artists and raising them to be good adults, we want them to be resilient. We want them to happy, healthy and successful. And, we know that the world, and their lives won’t be unicorns and rainbows all the time. We want them to be able […]
Dear Parent, Stress and anxiety in our own lives is something that we “put up with”, but when it comes to our kids we don’t want them to unnecessarily be anxious or stressed out. However, stress and anxiety are a part of life and we can’t completely inoculate them from these realities. What we can […]
Guest Post By Master Melody Shuman When I started martial arts in 1987 as an 11-year old, things were very different. Kids and adults trained side-by-side, and everyone tested on the same material for their belt regardless of age. Needless to say, kids usually didn’t make it very far before dropping out because the training […]
As parents, we do our best to have the appropriate amount of control on the content and sources that our children have access to. When they are very young it is 100% in our control but as they grow and get more exposure to peers, teachers and third party information sources that control will diminish, […]
I started teaching martial arts to children almost 25 years ago. The parallels between the evolution of martial arts teaching styles and parenting styles is interesting. I see martial arts instructors teaching the same way today as 25 years ago. I see some parents raising their kids in a similar way that they were […]
One of the biggest concerns from parents during the school year is bullying. Some 160,000 kids skip school every day because they fear of being attacked or ridiculed by bullies. The good news is that these disturbing statistics can be limited with the proper education. As an educator that has worked with hundreds of children on anti-bullying […]
As seasoned children’s martial arts instructors, we have witnessed just about every sort of behavior and outburst from working with hundreds of martial arts students over the years. We have seen it all from playful name calling to angry tantrums. Some things are difficult to not take personally, but our experience allows us to put […]
Part of the Children’s Martial Arts Tradition is to help them to improve physically, emotionally, intellectually and socially through martial arts classes. And, we hope that these lessons and improvements stick both in and out of the martial arts studio. However, with technology our ability to observe and watch over our children is greater than […]
As parents there are so many responsibilities to raising a child. One of the big ones is building up their self-confidence and self-esteem. It’s also a big part of what we do with martial arts training. It can be tempting to shower them with good-jobs, hurrays and high fives, but we also need to ensure […]
Recent Posts
- The Power of Positive Parenting: Building Responsibility Through Motivation
- The Brain Bank: How Daily Deposits Shape a Child’s Development and How SKILLZ Helps
- Martial Arts Cross Training – The Secret to Developing More Well-Rounded Athletes
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder – A Supplemental Resource for Families Coping with Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- Say Yes to Childhood