Mentoring has been around for many years and has shown to have many positive outcomes for all participants. In SKILLZ Martial Arts, the mentoring program that is implemented is called the STORM Team, or Special Team of Role Models. This is a “near-peer” type mentoring program that is very structured and incorporates a full curriculum […]
Children and teens are involved in a wide range of physical activities and sports. And whether they are at a competitive or recreational level, the basic physical requirements are the same. In order to achieve optimum training levels, it’s important that the exercises prepare the athlete for the best physical outcome. The safest way to […]
Productivity is one of the most highly regarded traits in the work world today. And to be productive, multitasking is the go-to method. The ability to switch between multiple tasks rapidly is seen as a special skill, but it stifles productivity and increases the likelihood of making mistakes. But with the growing flood of information […]
All parents want the same thing…for their child to be a positive member of society and experience success. And while these are important things, they often come through a push to achieve and be the best in everything. Unfortunately, this is frequently done through comparing their children to others. This, however, often leads to stress […]
We’ve all set goals throughout our lives. Some were easily achieved while others we just gave up on completing. This is because most plans are either set in the comfort zone or the danger zone. And while our initial motivation generally puts on a path to setting lofty goals, it can lead us to failure. […]
Martial arts has a well-known benefit of helping children develop physical skills and improving discipline. For this reason, parents often enroll their children in some type of martial arts in order to achieve goals such as these. And while attaining these goals are possible, parents often have unrealistic expectations of the time it actually takes […]
In today’s fast-paced world, the relationships that children build are crucial for their emotional well-being and overall development. This is where SKILLZ steps in to make a meaningful difference! ? While many martial arts programs primarily focus on physical self-defense, SKILLZ takes a unique approach. We view martial arts as a powerful vehicle that can […]
As the holiday season approaches, many parents find themselves in a familiar predicament. The bustling holiday schedule, family gatherings, and the overall chaos that can accompany this time of year often lead parents to consider pulling their kids out of extracurricular activities, including martial arts classes. It’s understandable; the holidays are a very busy and […]
Finding the best extracurricular activity for your little ones can be a challenge. However, when it comes to fostering essential life skills, physical development, and character building, the Early SKILLZ martial arts program stands out as an exceptional choice for 3 and 4-year-olds. In this blog, we’ll explore why the Early SKILLZ program is the […]
Hey there, savvy parents! Are you tired of scratching your head, trying to figure out how to enhance your child’s cognitive abilities? Well, fret no more because we’ve got the ultimate solution that’s as fun as it is effective! Enter SKILLZ—the secret weapon to unlocking your child’s full potential, making them smarter and sharper in […]
As a parent, you want to ensure that your child is learning and growing in a safe and supportive environment. At our SKILLZ school, we take our role as educators seriously and believe that understanding child development is essential to providing the best possible experience for our students. That’s why we invest in training our […]
Most martial arts forms are rooted in tradition and have been taught the same way for years. And while tradition is vital to keeping the art preserved, the way it is taught in today’s modern world isn’t as effective. As times change and as we become more educated, we must adjust to meet the needs […]
Martial arts training provides numerous benefits for individuals of all ages, but when it comes to children, tailoring the program to their specific needs and capabilities can greatly enhance their experience. That’s where age-specific programs like SKILLZ come into play. SKILLZ is a specialized martial arts curriculum designed to optimize learning and development for children […]
As parents, we all want the best for our children’s growth and development. One way to support their holistic development is through martial arts training. At our martial arts school, we use a program known as SKILLZ, and we go beyond physical techniques to incorporate a deep understanding of neuroscience to enhance your child’s learning […]
As children grow and develop, it is important that they engage in activities that stimulate various regions of the brain, including the release of neurotransmitters such as oxytocin and endorphins. While physical activity, such as sports, has long been recognized as a way to achieve this stimulation, children today are spending more time than ever […]
In the words of Whitney Houston, “I believe that children are our future…show them all the beauty they possess inside.” All too often, the magnificence of individuality is overshadowed by a need to meet the status quo. When a child exhibits behavior that is “problematic” or “difficult,” adults often assume the child is defiant. However, […]
As they say, kids will be kids. And yes, children and teens can be unkind to their peers and feelings get hurt. The problem is when these behaviors become common and target the same person repeatedly. This is when kids being kids begins to cross the line to bullying. And while bullying is a very […]
Goal setting is one of the most highly linked characteristics to the success that individuals have. Top athletes and successful people all use goal setting. And while it is a trait that is most often associated with adolescents and adults, younger children can also benefit greatly from beginning this life skill at an early age. […]
As hectic as life is most days, parents are often more concerned with getting everything done instead of strategically planning out their day so that it is predictable for their children. Knowing what activities to expect each day and knowing how parents will respond is critical in helping children feel safe. The consistency in this […]
Is it nature or is it nurture? That is the question. This age-old debate, in the world of psychology, has been a source of controversy for decades. At some point, all parents have toyed with thoughts of which one has most influenced their child concerning personality traits, abilities, etc. And while different psychology fields have […]
For years, martial arts has gotten a bad reputation because people feel that it encourages violence, especially in children. And yes, it sounds like a paradox that something that teaches “fighting” can actually make people less aggressive. However, what most people don’t know is that martial arts is rooted in nonviolent conflict resolution. As […]
The development of a child can be one of the most fascinating things to watch unfold. From infants mirroring movements to toddlers and children mastering high level developmental skills, the growth children experience in a short time is astounding. And while all skills are important for them to master, bilateral coordination is an important prerequisite […]
Be the parent your child needs you to be. They need you to be in their world. That means interacting and playing with them on their level to prompt them through the tasks and chores they don’t want to do. Here are some tips and examples on using effectively using edutainment with your child. 1. […]
One of the biggest struggles in parenting is understanding why perfectly sweet and smart children can, in an instant, turn into the most difficult beings ever seen. It’s often as if a switch was flipped and chaos has ensued. This typically results in parents becoming frustrated at their child and disciplining them in the heat […]
Today’s world is busy! People are rushing here and there to get to work, school, the store, and the next activity. Even our “leisure” time is filled with busyness. And during all of it, we are distracted by our devices. This not only leads to us missing important moments in our lives, but it also […]
Children’s challenging behaviors have long been the focus of adults’ pessimistic viewpoint of characteristics that don’t fit the mold of societal expectations. This rigid “deficit thinking” causes parents to complain about their child’s qualities and make them try to “fix” what is wrong or make excuses as to why they struggle to do certain things. […]
An athlete is defined by Merriam-Webster as “a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina.” Athletes in specific sports train to be at the top of their game, but how much better of an athlete would they be if they had a well-rounded cross training […]
Have you ever had a “gut feeling” about something? Have you ever considered that children have these as well? Of course they do! The problem is, they don’t know how to express it to us. They know something doesn’t feel right, so they act out or exhibit a grumpy mood. The good news is, there […]
The term “age-specific” is used very often in education and healthcare. It has a very definite meaning and is used to describe things that are prepared specifically for the age of the child it is targeting. However, this term is often used more loosely, especially in the martial arts world, when referring to “age-specific classes.” […]
One of the most important things that you can do as a parent is to establish a connection with your child. In fact, children need connection more than anything else. Here are a few ways that you can begin to build a great connection with your child: Daily Interactions: Make one-on-one connections with your child. […]
How can you set your child up for success daily? One of the most effective ways to do this is to focus on prompting instead of punishment. Here’s what you need to know about prompting your child toward good behavior and decisions: Friendly Competition One of the ways to prompt your child toward good behavior […]
Adaptability is about how you respond to your child, especially on those days when things do not go as planned. Your child will have a variety of days, including good, bad and everything in between. Here are a few ways you can apply adaptability to your parenting and keep your child motivated: Intrinsic Motivation: Choices […]
On any given day, we may experience moments of high emotion in reaction to an event, or we find ourselves trying to control everyone and everything around us. Either way, our mental well-being is in danger, especially if we find ourselves stuck in either scenario for long. It can be difficult for children to get […]
Children of all ages have fears, from babies to teens. And whether these fears are from real or imaginary places, they are nonetheless scary. Since our brains are wired to protect us, fears are a normal part of a child’s development. Children will eventually outgrow their fears but being knowledgeable about what fears are more […]
Today’s world is busy; people are rushing here and there to get to work, to school, the store, or the next activity. Even our “leisure” time is filled with busyness. And during all of it, we are distracted by our devices. This not only leads to us missing important moments in our lives, but it also […]
Goal setting is a characteristic that significantly links an individual to their future success. Having the right mindset is crucial and encourages our behaviors as we encounter different challenges. Since our mindset incorporates our own beliefs about the skills and abilities that we possess, we must have a growth mindset and teach children the power […]
Although Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is such a prevalent diagnosis, there are still many misconceptions surrounding it. People often assume that ADHD results from poor parenting, laziness, or some learning disorder. And with these assumptions come a wide range of approaches to “fix” the problem. However, with the lack of proper understanding of this disorder, […]
In a world that highly values the traits of extroverted individuals, shy children are often assumed to have something wrong that needs to be fixed. However, shyness is simply a personality trait that is part of their temperament. Children are born with unique personalities, although the environment can play a significant role in how these […]
Learning is a huge part of child development and how children learn things is dependent on a variety of factors. Much of the time, observational learning contributes to how children learn information and behaviors. This type of social learning can be greatly influential because of the role that mirror neurons play in learning. Providing children […]
Attention span has long been a topic focused on the relationship between children and learning. As the years have passed, technology has been at the forefront of our everyday lives. This has caused the concern for inattentiveness to become even more of an issue. Children are constantly presented with new and exciting things that catch […]
The tween and teen years often cause parents and teachers to feel like they are back at the “terrible twos” stage. The challenges of working with children at this age can be frustrating. They are very smart but their emotions are all over the place. This can make it difficult for adults to be patient […]
The golden years for children are between the ages of 7 and 9 years old. At this age, children can grasp new information quickly. They start seeing the world in a new and exciting way and, because of this, they are beginning to develop their morals and values. And while they are rapidly growing in […]
Children between the ages of five and six years old are no longer “little kids.” They are in a very important time of transition in their lives. They have developed skills that make them appear to have things more together, so they are often approached by adults as an “older kid.” However, they still do […]
Children between the ages of 3 and 4 are at a very unique growth period in their lives. They are growing at a rapid rate in all areas of development and are discovering new things daily, while also learning how to cope with new challenges. Additionally, they are in pursuit of autonomy, which can lead […]
We’ve all set goals, to some degree, throughout our lives. Some were easily achieved while others we just gave up on completing. This is because most plans are either set in the comfort zone or the danger zone. And while our initial motivation generally puts on a path to setting lofty goals, it can lead […]
Over the years, healthy connection levels between parents and children have decreased, leading to more challenging behaviors from children. Today’s modern lifestyle has interfered with the opportunity for the parent-child bond to grow. This vital aspect of a child’s life is essential for their emotional cup to be full, giving them healthy self-worth and self-esteem. […]
All parents want the same thing…for their child to be a positive member of society and experience success. And while these are important goals, they often come through a push to achieve and be the best in everything. Unfortunately, this is frequently done through comparing their children to others. This, however, often leads to stress […]
Competition is everywhere in today’s world and it often starts at a very young age. It begins as a fun, skill-developing event but can quickly become time-consuming and competitive. While some parents want their children pushed to help them learn the hard lessons of life, others want to protect their children from the disappointment that […]
Every day children are faced with increased amounts of pressure to work harder, learn more quickly, and manage their emotions. This is especially true for 10 to 14-year olds due to their intellectual growth during this period. However, this pressure is unhealthy for them and can lead to anxiety and depression. The premise of […]
When we hear the word “learn” we often think of children sitting in a classroom, at a desk, with a teacher educating students on a particular subject. We rarely ever imagine playing a game as a teaching and learning tool. However, the benefits of utilizing games and play can span more developmental areas than […]
When people generally think of “play” they think of fun and games…something simply for amusement and nothing more. However, there is a bigger, and more important, piece that is often overlooked…learning. As Kay Redfield Jamison said, “Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity.” The same […]
Play is often overlooked as a learning tool for children. defines play as “engaging in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.” It is seen as a type of “free time” when nothing else important is happening. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. For 3 to […]
Oxytocin has been dubbed the “love chemical.” It is the hormone that is released when we feel love and trust in relationships. For most people, they know oxytocin as a significant part of the parent-child bonding process. However, it is also very important in overall human relationships and is considered our “social glue.” The release […]
Have you ever wondered why children and teens seem to be so addicted to their smart phones and other devices? Parents are frustrated with their children’s lack of attention and motivation but what do their devices have to do with this? The answer is found in science! Often referred to as the “motivator molecule,” dopamine […]
Endorphins are natural chemicals produced in the body to reduce pain and boost happiness. They are most often associated with exercise since the release of these “feel-good” chemicals cause a state of euphoria and is usually known as the “runner’s high.” However, most any exercise will cause this state of happiness and it is also […]
Most are aware of the benefits of physical activity for people of all ages… a stronger cardiovascular system, improved muscle tone, weight management, motor coordination, etc. Additionally, there are brain-boosting benefits that help children with brain function and learning, leading to better school performance. Unfortunately, however, many adults aren’t knowledgeable about the significance of underdeveloped […]
There’s no denying that advancements in technology have made our lives easier. We can work from home, shop online, and watch newly released movies, among many other things, all without leaving the couch. And while this saves us travel time and hassle, it can lead to unexpected health consequences. The reason is that we are […]
Children and teens are involved in a myriad of physical activities and sports. And whether they are at a competitive or recreational level, the basic physical requirements are the same. In order to achieve optimum training levels, it’s important that the exercises prepare the athlete for the best physical outcome. The safest way to begin […]
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss “You just don’t understand!” Oh, but we do dear teen! The emotional and social roller coaster ride this stage of development brings about is not easily forgotten by any adult who remembers their journey […]
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss “It’s happening!” Once upon a time, we parents all found ourselves smack dab in the middle of one of the hardest seasons of our young lives… The Teenage Years. From physical changes to mental […]
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss “I am strong. I am brave. I can do this!” The Golden Years, as we discussed last week, is a season within adolescence where slow and steady growth of the body and mind are […]
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss “Slow and steady wins the race!” Oh the years of 7-9 years old! You have made it through the infant, toddler, preschool and young adolescent phase. Time for what are often referred to as […]
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss “Check this out!” Stepping onto the mats at the start of Basic SKILLZ class one recent evening, I was met with an excited group of 5-6 year olds, ready to demonstrate their latest and […]
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss “Going, going, going… ALL. DAY. LONG!” Oh the years of 5-6! Abounding energy at a level that could power New York City, as my husband and I often joke about our youngest, is flowing […]
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss “Wait! I have to tell my mommy something!” If you enjoy watching our youngest Ninjas in action during Early SKILLZ class, then you know all too well how much these littles absolutely love to […]
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss “Mommy, look my muscles?!” I remember it like it was yesterday when my youngest son who was three years old at the time came running into the kitchen to show me his BIG arm […]
“We are always in a perpetual state of being created and creating ourselves.” Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, The Developing Mind “What did you say? What am I supposed to do first again?!” Our recent family vacation had come to a bittersweet end and the piles of folded, clean clothes on the dining room table were […]
“We are always in a perpetual state of being created and creating ourselves.” Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, The Developing Mind “Think, think, think!” Do you remember the classic Winnie the Pooh cartoon? Do you remember watching Pooh Bear wander to his thinking spot to try and recall his most important thoughts? He would sit and […]
“We are always in a perpetual state of being created and creating ourselves.” Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, The Developing Mind “Honey… SHOES!!” Monday morning. The clock is ticking down to the start of summer camp and the excitement throughout the house is real! Two eager young boys have been waiting all winter for fun in […]
“We are always in a perpetual state of being created and creating ourselves.” Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, The Developing Mind Schools out for summer… Let the adventures of exploring, creating, playing and more begin! While many kiddos are taking a break from their academic learning this summer, discoveries of many kinds and growth in knowledge […]
“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” ~Ignacio Estrada Has your child ever struggled with seeing something through? Perhaps going to school or an extracurricular activity at times proves to be a challenge. Or they struggle to finish a project in the classroom or at […]
“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” ~Ignacio Estrada Coming into the home stretch of this academic year for so many kiddos, it is no secret that keeping eyes on, ears on and bodies steady is a challenge for many! As children look forward to […]
“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” ~Ignacio Estrada It goes without saying that each and every one of us have our good days and our tough days. Especially as we approach the end of the school year, for so many of our kiddos, making […]
“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” ~Ignacio Estrada First day of SKILLZ Ninja School… The day is finally here! Stepping through the front door, I’m greeted with the sound of laughter, smiling faces and abundant happy cheers. All around me is joy, of this there […]
“Mommy, it’s okay to have big feelings.” These were the words my six-year-old ever so calmly and wisely whispered to me as he gently climbed up upon his stool to wipe away the tears from my cheeks. You see, just the previous day, our family lost a dear loved one. The pain being so fresh, […]
I was dashing through the first big snowfall of the season with my oldest son on holiday and a great story came across the radio waves. The radio host, a mom herself, began to tell the story of the orange tree. Unlike some other fruit bearing plants, the orange tree sees the greatest success when it […]
Take a break for just a moment and pause for reflection. Let your mind float back to the carefree days of your youth. Let the rustling of autumn leaves crunch beneath your feet as you smell the crisp, cool air. Let the glow of the lights of the holiday season dance in your mind as […]
Have you ever taken a moment to truly admire the art and incredible beauty of watching a child at play? Their fully engaged spirit, drive, imagination and passion are all completely focused on the mission of the moment. Whether tinkering with their next greatest creations or saving the day as their favorite superhero, children demonstrate […]
On any given day, we may experience moments of high emotion in reaction to an event, or we find ourselves trying to control everyone and everything around us. Either way, our mental well-being is in danger, especially if we find ourselves stuck in these types of scenarios for long. And it can be difficult for […]
The growth and development of a child can be one of the most fascinating things to watch unfold. From infants mirroring movements to toddlers and children mastering high level developmental skills, the growth they experience in a short time is astounding. And while all skills are important for children to master, bilateral coordination is an […]
Most people are aware of the benefits of physical activity… a stronger cardiovascular system, improved muscle tone, weight management, motor coordination, etc. Additionally, there are brain-boosting benefits of exercise that help children with brain function and learning, which lead to better school performance. Unfortunately, however, many adults aren’t knowledgeable about the significance of underdeveloped motor […]
The “Quarantine 15” has been yet another horrible reality of the pandemic. Not only were we separated from our family and friends, but unstructured days, decreased motivation, and increased boredom led to unhealthy habits for families. The result, for many, has been weight gain and reduced fitness levels, which has set the stage for disease […]
It is becoming increasingly apparent that no one is to blame for anything that happens. So, if this is the case, how do we get ourselves in such turmoil if no one is responsible? Although this seems ridiculous, the use of “blame-shifting” has become the go-to way of justifying mistakes. When we have arguments or […]
Parents everywhere want their children to be successful. Achieving success is usually defined by fulfilling societal norms, whether in terms of grades, athletic abilities, or something else. And the push to accomplish these things is putting pressure on children and on parents as well. Comparisons are fueling the expectation for children to develop at a […]
Over the last year and a half, sports programs have had shortened seasons, if they had seasons at all. Because of that, training time for athletes of all ages has dropped significantly. Now, with sports returning to a more normal duration, athletes are working hard to regain lost skills and recondition their bodies. The problem, […]
As we navigate the world, we all use our senses to receive information from our surroundings, let our brains process it, and then tell us how to react. Generally, we respond with minimal disruption to our routine. However, processing sensory stimuli can be a challenge for some people, either because there is too much or […]
The past year and a half of school has been such a roller coaster ride. From school closures to virtual classes to reopening, it seems as if our children have experienced every out-of-the-norm scenario we could imagine. And although the goal was to keep them healthy and safe, children’s development took a significant hit. We’ve […]
Children’s challenging behaviors have long been the focus of adults’ negative view of characteristics that don’t fit the mold of societal expectations. This rigid “deficit thinking” causes parents to worry and complain about their child’s qualities and make them try to “fix” what is wrong or make excuses as to why they can’t do certain […]
Parenting can be tricky. We want our children to be resilient, empathetic, and able to self-regulate. However, with the busyness of life, the experiences that build these characteristics fall by the wayside, and “no” becomes an automatic response. Children are continually being told what to do and what not to do. As a result, the […]
Over the past year, children have faced many disturbances in their daily lives and interactions. These things have contributed to a lot of emotional imbalances and brought on or exacerbated feelings of sadness, fear, and anxiety. Since children are still developing abilities to regulate their strong and ever-changing emotions, they need assistance in strengthening these skills. Providing […]
The development of a child can be one of the most fascinating things to watch unfold. From infants mirroring movements to toddlers and children mastering high level developmental skills, the growth they experience in a short time is astounding. And while all skills are important for children to master, bilateral coordination is an important prerequisite […]
The New Year has arrived and lofty resolutions have been set. Anything from working out daily to saving money to losing weight, our society knows how to dream big! However, when big dreams aren’t broken down into smaller, achievable goals, failure often ensues. And to make matters worse, our children watch us throughout this short-lived […]
When you think of martial arts, one of the first things that comes to mind is self-defense. Yes, martial arts is great for the body but it is also great for the mind. There are undeniable benefits from hitting the gym everyday but the monotony of the treadmill or elliptical can lead you to stop showing up […]
School safety should be a right for all students alike. It’s up to you as a parent to teach your child about bullying. Empower your children with the facts and ways to stop bullies in their tracks. Bullying is a serious problem that can a have long-term negative impact on the victim, the bully, and […]
Physical activity is not only essential for healthy growth and development, it is also important to learning and getting good grades in school. Active kids are proven to get better grades, better sleep, and have better attendance in school. In the age of apps, tablets, and streaming it can be difficult to keep these items […]
“Don’t talk to strangers” used to be the cure all to protect your child, but there are two sides to this statement. If your child wants to make friends or is lost…they need to talk to a stranger. Instead of creating an encompassing rule of “Don’t talk to strangers”. Teach your children to learn who is […]
Age-Specific Curriculum What It Really Means by Jennifer Salama The term “age-specific” is used very often in education and healthcare. It has a very definite meaning and is used to describe things that are prepared specifically for the age of the child it is targeting. However, this term is often used more loosely, especially in […]
An athlete is defined by Merriam-Webster as “a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina.” Athletes in specific sports train to be at the top of their game, but how much better of an athlete would they be if they had a well-rounded cross training […]
Benefits to SKILLZ Training Over Summertime During the school season teachers, assistants, and counselors are focused on helping your children learn and grow. But what happens during the summer season when these people are not around? It makes sense that as a parent you would want your child to maintain some level of growth […]
Let’s talk about some of the top benefits for practicing Martial Arts. We are not a “traditional” Martial Arts school in that we train our students in Age Specific Martial Arts. This allows us to use systems that integrate science and psychology into our curriculum via the SKILLZ Program. This offers a wide range of […]
Recent Posts
- The Power of Positive Parenting: Building Responsibility Through Motivation
- The Brain Bank: How Daily Deposits Shape a Child’s Development and How SKILLZ Helps
- Martial Arts Cross Training – The Secret to Developing More Well-Rounded Athletes
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder – A Supplemental Resource for Families Coping with Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- Say Yes to Childhood